One-to-One Training
One-to-One Training is a flexible and bespoke alternative to standard group training classes that often spring to mind when thinking about dog training. With One-to-One Training, the trainer comes to you and sessions are carried out on an individual basis in the comfort of your own home or local park. One-to-One sessions offer great flexibility, and can be tailored specifically to your individual needs. Any range of basic exercises can be taught, as well as more advanced training, or we can work just on specific areas that may be appropriate for your individual circumstances.
One-to-One programmes start by looking at the relationship you have with your dog to make sure it is as healthy and well balanced as possible. This is an area that is often overlooked, but is so vitally important if your dog is going to listen to and respond to you consistently. We want to set our dogs up for success and if you are going to achieve the results you are aiming for with your dog, you have to have a healthy working relationship to begin with, and that’s exactly why we start there.
We then cover some basic learning principles (don’t worry, this is not highly theoretical classroom stuff!). Rather than simply showing you how to do an exercise 'parrot style' to your dog, it is important that you also have an understanding of how dogs learn and how we can best motivate and support them in their learning, including how we should be using rewards/punishments (what is appropriate and what is not), and the importance of good timing. If you understand some fairly basic concepts, you will be able to communicate far more clearly and effectively with your dog, and achieve so much more!
With our groundwork done, we will begin hands on work with your dog to address the specific training areas that you would like to improve. You will start to see how we put the theory that we’ve covered into practice, and how quickly your dog starts to pick it up! Each step of each exercise will be explained to you, and where appropriate, demonstrated so that you can also see how to do it as well. The next step is for you to start practicing with your dog. During this part of the process, you will receive ‘coaching’ to improve your technique and advice to help you progress with your dog. As we will cover a great deal of information in a short space of time, you will also be given printed handouts on each topic or exercise that we cover.
After this initial session, we will continue to work together, typically on an hourly basis, once per week or fortnight, until such point as you feel that you’ve achieved your training goals. For each dog and owner, those goals will be different, and for that reason, there are no minimum or maximum limits on the number of sessions we do. The age, experience, and temperament of each dog, as well as how much regular practice is put in between sessions all work to determine the speed at which anyone progresses. And as every dog and owner are unique, this flexible service will provide as much or as little support as you feel you need.
Day Training
Day Training provides the option to have a skilled professional come to you to train your puppy or dog, with the advantages of both convenience and fast results. Unlike residential training programmes where your dog stays away often at a kennel, Day Training allows for your dog to continue living at home with you while it is being trained. It is a popular option for those who are time poor, those who have mobility/health issues that make training physically difficult or those who would simply prefer to have someone else put in the leg work!
A Day Training programme begins with an initial consultation to assess and discuss your dog, and to develop an understanding of your lifestyle and training needs. Thereafter, Simone will come to you and work individually with your dog on a regular basis ranging from 1 to 5 sessions per week) depending on your needs and training goals.
During your dog's training programme, Simone will keep you up to date on your dog's progress and meet with you for regular update sessions to ensure you remain up to speed with your dog's repertoire of skills.
Dog School Group Training Classes (Not Currently Available)
Dog School Classes are held weekly (one evening per week) over a 9 week term. The Dog School is for dogs who have had little or no previous training and is suitable for dogs of any age, from young puppies through to veterans. The classes are designed to teach the basic obedience skills necessary to become well mannered pets using kind, effective methods.
Group sizes are limited to a maximum of 6 dogs per class to ensure that everyone gets the individual attention they need. Pre-registration is required and places on each course are filled on a first come first served basis.
The exercises that are covered include:-
Lying Down (optional)
Walking on a Loose Lead
Not Jumping Up at People
Leave (not taking things, as opposed to exiting the premises!)
Handling & Health Checks
Interactive Play
In addition to the in-class explanations and practice for each exercise, you will also receive printed handouts to take home.
You are very welcome to come and watch classes before enrolling.
*The Dog School is for puppies and dogs who are not experiencing behavioural problems, beyond a lack of training! The training hall environment is not a suitable place to address reactivity towards other dogs or people. If your dog is reactive/aggressive, or if you are experiencing a different type of behaviour problem, please have a look at the Behavioural Issues page.*
For further information and/or to book an appointment, please scroll down to the Contact section below.